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Reactions: "The anticipation is heightened immensely"

Hans-Joachim Watzke, Lars Ricken, Sebastian Kehl, Nuri Sahin and Emre Can shared their reactions to the Champions League draw in the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco. 


Hans-Joachim Watzke (chairman of the board): "When all of your opponents are displayed right before your eyes, as they were with the new format this evening, the anticipation is heightened immensely. At least that's how I feel, and I do actually get a bit nervous before it starts. We've been given exciting games, absolutely top teams, traditional clubs, new destinations - I like this mix. And I think that we can also be satisfied with our set of opponets from a sporting perspective, even though you certainly shouldn't overestimate whatever it says on paper."

Lars Ricken (managing director): "We're excited for the new format and are going into the competition with the same ambitions that we had last year. The first stage is to reach the round of 16. To do that in this new format, every game and every goal is important. The better your position in the table, the more advantages you might have in the knockout stages. Graz is a team we've never played against before - I'm looking forward to this premiere, and I'm also looking forward to the Celtic fans and the BVB fans singing You’ll never walk alone together. It's because of teams like Barcelona that we enjoy playing in the Champions League: we want to see how we measure up to the best. Both at home and away, it's an interesting mix."

Sebastian Kehl (sports director): "It really is a brave new world: you see Cristiano Ronaldo press a button, and then within seconds all eight teams you'll be playing appear on the screen as if by magic. But we're fully embracing it, and we're looking forward to this new format, even if the draw was definitely more exciting and nerve-racking before. Our games are a good mix of absolute top teams like Barcelona and Real, who - just like every year - we just had to play, and of course teams that are a new pin on our international map. For our fans there are quite a few attractive destinations in the mix. We're looking forward to every single game, and as always we of course want to get to the round of 16."

Nuri Sahin (head coach): "Good opposition, interesting opposition. It's turned out well. I would've liked to have played Celtic away. For me, the trip to Madrid will be a special one because I played there for a short time. My son has told me that the new stadium is very, very beautiful. I think Zagreb will be interesting, Bruges isn't far away, and Bologna is something to look forward to from both a tourist's and a fan's perspective. It's an interesting mix."

Emre Can (team captain): "We have some very exciting opposition teams lined up for us. We're especially looking forward to the game in Madrid. The new format means that every game will be even more important for putting ourselves in a good position going into the knockout phase. And we want to reach the knockouts again this season too."


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