Standort des Fan-Projekt Dortmund e.V.

Borussia Dortmund Fan-Projekt

Under the premise of actively seeking dialogue with all those involved in major football events, without any intention of control or "know-it-all" attitude, and in this context developing solutions to existing problems, the Fan-Projekt Dortmund e.V. was founded on September 3, 1987. The foundations of its pedagogical work are based on current youth laws (Social Security Code, Eighth Book - Child and Youth Welfare) as well as the "National Concept for Sport and Security". Special attention is given to reducing extremist orientations, prejudices, stereotypes, and especially any existing xenophobia.

The Fan-Projekt Dortmund e.V. also sees itself as a central point of contact for football fans in Dortmund.

Services of the Fan-Projekt

  • The Fan-Projekt provides various services and activities to support fans in positive fan culture:
  • Accompanying fans to home and away games as well as visits to their meeting points.
  • Opening of the fan shop in Dudenstraße and the fan point behind the South Stand as meeting points for all home games.
  • Supporting fan activities to promote elements of positively perceived fan culture.
  • Individual assistance, support, and mediation between the parties in stadium ban procedures, etc.
  • Counseling and concrete assistance in problematic life situations.
  • Support in conflicts with authorities, police, stewards, etc.
  • Referral to appropriate professional institutions as needed.

Group pedagogical leisure activities:

  • Fan meetings, fan club evenings & leisure activities in the fan shop.
  • Lectures and discussion rounds.
  • Sport-educational activities (e.g., Monday kick, ski trips, and summer camps).
  • Organization of fan tournaments (South Stand Championship and indoor masters).
  • Trips to educational and memorial sites (e.g., Lublin, Auschwitz, Mondiali Antirazzisti).

Public relations activities:

  • Mediation and translation between the "world of fans" and all other institutions involved in football (clubs, police, security services, etc.).
  • Work with various media.
  • Lectures at schools, universities, and other educational institutions.
  • Participation in conferences and panel discussions.
  • Advocacy for fans and their interests.

The Fan-Projekt's work does not involve control or repression; these remain the tasks of the police and the judiciary.

Since 1994, the Street Tour organized by the Fan-Projekt in collaboration with the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Youth Welfare Office of the City of Dortmund, and the long-standing sponsor DEW21 has been rolling under the motto "Kick Racism Out." This sport-educational initiative conceived by the Fan-Projekt has become an integral part of youth social work, visiting neighborhoods and suburbs of Dortmund as well as other cities in North Rhine-Westphalia. From April to October, the educational staff reach out to young people in their natural living environments with their street football program.

The Young Generation offers all young fans under the age of 18 (from 13 years old) the opportunity to support BVB at selected away games at a pocket money price. These trips are accompanied by educational staff from the Fan-Projekt. Additionally, the Young Generation serves as a representative body for young fans and provides leisure activities beyond match days (educational trips, football tournaments, dart evenings, etc.).

The BVB Learning Center, initiated by the Fan-Projekt Dortmund e.V., has been a venue for political youth education at the "Learning Stadium" since 2004. Located in the SIGNAL IDUNA PARK under the south stand, the Learning Center is one of 19 nationwide locations of the "Learning Stadium e.V." association founded in 2014.

The BVB Learning Center offers a free extracurricular political education program. It primarily targets young people from social contexts who are often not reached by traditional formats of political education. The programs are centered around football and Borussia Dortmund as a guiding theme, addressing topics such as civic courage, intercultural learning, discrimination, and inclusion using activating methods.


Johannes Böing (Director, BVB Learning Center) Mobile: +49 174 395 569 8 Email: [email protected] Website: