23/24, Bundesliga, Bundesligasaison, Versammlung
Dienstag 27.02.2024, 1. Fussball - Bundesliga Saison 23/24 - in Dortmund, .BV Borussia Dortmund - Betriebsversammlung Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA..Copyright:.Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA.Rheinlanddamm 207-209.44137 Dortmund..(NO IPTC-stripping allowed).EDITORIAL USE ONLY

This is how we prepare our players for life – Advanced Training at BVB youth

The Over 18 Education Initiative

With the completion of their school education and obtaining their high school diploma or equivalent, many of our U19 and U23 youth players express their desire to "fully focus on football" in their second year as youth players. While this desire is understandable after 12 or 13 years of schooling, it falls short in terms of personal development. There is a risk that the fostering of cognitive skills, further qualification, and targeted life planning beyond football may be neglected in their daily lives alongside training and match schedules.

This is precisely where our Over 18 Education Initiative comes in. Through numerous offerings, we provide our players with opportunities for individual development, further education, and life planning.

Many students opt for a voluntary social or ecological year to educate themselves and gain orientation. From August to May, parallel to their team training, we offer our talents a qualification year with the following content:

  • Interdisciplinary educational approaches for personal development 
  • Opportunities for subjective and professional life planning 
  • Programs to enhance social skills 
  • Targeted expansion of language abilities 
  • Training to become a youth football coach / B license through the Football and Athletics Association 
  • Westphalia 
  • Financial advice 
  • Interview and rhetoric training 
  • Career counseling for life planning 
  • Auditor status at the Technical University (TU) Dortmund 
  • Social Media & Me 
  • English for students 
  • Cooperation with the B.I.T.S. University of Applied Sciences in Iserlohn
  • BVB Education Fair at the training ground 
  • My Household and I (Planning - Nutrition - Design)

"The Over 18 Education Initiative focuses on the real-life experiences of the players. The offerings are characterized by practical relevance and a strong focus on application." Here are a few examples:

Financial Advice

In the financial advisory process, the first step is to assess the player's financial situation: How much money does the player have available? What are the expenses? What exactly falls under "cost of living"? Additionally, topics such as private supplementary insurance and retirement planning are addressed. Ultimately, financial goals are defined: securing livelihoods, building reserves, etc.

"And how do you live?"

"And how do you live?" is the title of another seminar, also focused on everyday life, where players learn how to cook simply yet healthily, manage household tasks, shop with a plan, understand their rights and obligations as tenants, and learn what to consider when entering into or terminating rental agreements.


Everyday Life and Social Skills

To strengthen everyday life and social skills, our talents also engage with right-wing extremism. Under the motto "90 Minutes Against Right-Wing Extremism," they learn about the dress codes and symbols of neo-Nazis and are sensitized to be vigilant even when purchasing clothes. In another event, they learn about the "Buy One More Item!" campaign - an initiative for food donations to the homeless.

Career Counseling

Career counseling under the motto "Actually, I want to become a pro!" addresses the players' aspirations. Based on a needs and motivation analysis, our talents learn to take responsibility for their life planning, set deadlines, and consider alternatives in case their career as a football professional does not work out. These considerations ultimately lead to concrete career and parallel planning. At the BVB Education Fair at the Brackel Training Center, companies present their training and career opportunities.


For even very young players, it becomes increasingly important to handle media safely and confidently. The Ü18 Education Initiative includes teaching the role and impact of communication, gestures, and facial expressions. Experts conduct rhetoric and interview training sessions, preparing players for situations in front of microphones and cameras. Social media also plays a significant role in the training offerings. In "Social Media & Me," the focus lies on how to sensibly utilize the internet, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and similar platforms. Equally important is understanding how not to use these channels or how to avoid them altogether.

Foreign Languages

Finally, foreign languages are also emphasized. Communication in English, basic knowledge in Business English, refresher courses, Spanish for beginners and everyday life - all of this is offered in the form of trial courses, which can be expanded at any time if desired. Borussia Dortmund collaborates with numerous competent partners in the education sector to provide these courses.