22/23, Trainingslager, Westendorf, Kitzbüheler Alpen, Evonik Fußball Akademie, BVB-Frauen 2,

BVB Football Holiday Courses in Austria, Cyprus, Switzerland

Football Holiday Courses in Austria

The BVB EVONIK Football Academy also offers fantastic and intensive football courses in Austria. All licensed BVB coaches travel from the Dortmund region to train enthusiastic young footballers. This is your chance!

In cooperation with the WESTSIDE SOCCER ARENA in Vienna, the BVB EVONIK Football Academy offers holiday courses throughout Austria. More information and all dates can be found here.

Besides our classic holiday courses, an additional highlight takes place once a year in Austria: You can experience an amazing holiday week in Westendorf, Brixental region, with an exciting program as part of the BVB Experience Week. More information and registration can be found here.

Football Holiday Courses in Cyprus

In the spring of 2024, we will once again visit the Robinson Club in Cyprus, bringing black and yellow football to your holiday. Cyprus offers a mild, sun-drenched climate and a rich flora that can be wonderfully explored on beautiful excursions or bike tours. Whether young or old, there's something for everyone! Each six-day course includes daily training sessions and workshops on topics like nutrition and team building. The training takes place on an artificial turf field. All information about the courses and booking can be found here (Week 1) and here (Week 2).

Football Holiday Courses in Switzerland

In the fall of 2024, it’s time to pack our bags and head to Switzerland: From October 14 to 18, we will visit FC Naters. At our holiday course on-site, you can expect 1909% passion, a training kit from PUMA, lunch on-site, and black and yellow souvenirs from the holiday camp.