Mannschaftsfoto Blindenfußball

The Borussia Dortmund Blind Football Team

Back row from left:

Enrico Göbel, Petro Göbel, Andreas Paashaus, Julian Paashaus, Hasan Caglikalp, Jonas Fuhrmann, Jonathan Tönsing, Jörg Fetzer, Andre Hahn, Karin Leidecker

Front row from left:

Leon Winnebeck, Philippe Berthold, Amire Schwarz, Timo Leidecker, Nick Leidecker, Jens Hälker, Alisa Rudi, Hasan Altunbas, Tobias Willmroth

Blind football was first played in Dortmund in 2006. Inspired by the FIFA World Cup held in Germany that year, more and more blind and visually impaired people across the country began playing football together. ISC Viktoria Dortmund-Kirchderne, founded in 2005, embraced this trend and established a blind football team in addition to their main sport of Torball. It took two more years to set the course for the Blind Football Bundesliga. In the very first season, the team from Kirchderne became vice-champions. Even back then, BVB President Dr. Reinhard Rauball was in contact with the sport, as he was a guest of honor at the final match day in Dortmund Eving and the subsequent awards ceremony.

So, when the ISC Viktoria Dortmund-Kirchderne board asked if blind football could also be envisioned under the BVB umbrella, Rauball didn't hesitate: "We didn't hesitate for a minute and said - we'll do it, of course."

"We didn't hesitate for a minute and said - we'll do it, of course."

But how can you imagine blind football?

Close your eyes for a moment and try to take a few steps. You will notice how difficult orientation is without the ability to see. So, the respect for people who play football blindfolded is immense! Indeed, blind and visually impaired people have been playing football successfully in about 21 countries for years. In Germany, we are still at the beginning. Nevertheless, since 2008, teams from all over Germany have been playing in the BLINDENFUSSBALL-Bundesliga.

"With Football into the Heart of Society"

Under the motto "With Football into the Heart of Society," the game series has been setting exemplary paths for disability sports since 2011. Part of the match days are held in central public places in the middle of the city.

Blind football is fast and exciting. Sighted spectators are fascinated by this type of football. They are particularly impressed by the ball control and orientation skills of the players. The sporting achievements of blind footballers deserve the highest level of respect and recognition.

For many blind and visually impaired people, football is the greatest passion. Football connects people and can facilitate social integration. The recognition by others boosts self-esteem. The Sepp Herberger Foundation, the German Disabled Sports Association, and the German Blind and Visually Impaired Association have introduced the Blind Football Bundesliga, a nationwide series of games for blind and visually impaired people, which is unique in Europe.

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