Bühnenbild Training

Borussia Dortmund Walking Football – Training

When and Where is Training Held?

Football knows no age – under this motto, Borussia Dortmund has been playing Walking Football since mid-September 2019. Walking Football is aimed at Borussia fans who are 60 years and older and still enjoy playing active football.

No sprints, no tackles, and no physical contact – instead, it's about socializing in a relaxed atmosphere, promoting active health, and having fun playing.

Our Walking Football team trains on Tuesdays from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. and Fridays from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. at the EVONIK Football Academy, located at Strobelallee 81, 44139 Dortmund.

Are you interested in trying out our offer or need more information about Walking Football? Feel free to contact us at [email protected].

The Healthy Alternative for the Over 60 Audience

  • The game is played 6 against 6. 
  • There are no goalkeepers, and handball is not allowed. 
  • Running is not permitted; one foot must always be on the ground. 
  • The ball cannot be played above goal height (1 meter). 
  • Sliding tackles are prohibited. 
  • Adherence to the football rules of the German Football Association (DFB).
BVB EVONIK Fußballakademie