Team Airplane of Borussia Dortmund

Business Travel with besttravel

Trade fairs, lectures, workshops, contract negotiations...

Although many things are now handled digitally, some business appointments still require in-person attendance. Based on personal preferences and considering the applicable travel policies, we are happy to take care of the perfect arrangements for your business trip. Whether it’s train, flight, hotel, rental car, or transfers, we ensure that you travel as comfortably, quickly, and safely as possible.

We owe our leading role not only to our high-quality standards and reliable, personal service. Our powerful network in over 120 countries also clearly sets us apart. In cooperation with the business travel provider GBT Deutschland GmbH, we have access to numerous partners and offers worldwide. And while we're on the subject of know-how transfer: We are also happy to assist you with personalized IT and online solutions. This contributes to cost-efficient and results-oriented work.

Interested? Contact us at [email protected].