Temporary Exhibitions at the BORUSSEUM

In addition to the permanent exhibition that showcases the history of Borussia Dortmund, the BORUSSEUM also hosts temporary exhibitions on a variety of themes. Past exhibitions, which provide an impression of the diverse topics covered, can be found on this page.

In celebration of the 50th birthday of the world's most beautiful stadium on April 2, 2024, a special exhibition will open at the BORUSSEUM the following weekend. Museum directors Sarah Hartwich and Melanie Wanczura have secured a special cooperation partner for this event: students from the Design Department of FH Dortmund developed ideas and concepts, which they then implemented.

The temporary exhibition "50 Years Stadium" showcases a mix of analog and digital exhibits about the stadium, its history, and its stories. It will cover not only its role as the home stadium of Borussia Dortmund but also its significance during World and European Championships and events such as the BVB Christmas Singing. A large, narrative cross-sectional model offers insights into the stadium and its many little stories. With a smartphone or tablet, visitors can explore additional three-dimensional features through Augmented Reality, including a surprise guest from the club's history. Video projections will illuminate five emotional decades, highlighting both highs and lows.

Another highlight of the exhibition is a Virtual Reality experience that can be enjoyed on a mini South Stand: physically, visitors stand on a small replica, but virtually, they will experience the unique feeling of being part of the real South Stand.

Admission to the special exhibition is included in the museum entry fee.

On Sunday, April 16, EMMA will celebrate her 18th birthday at the world's most beautiful stadium.

Starting April 16, 2023, from 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM, you can see EMMA's black and yellow adventures from the past 18 years at the BORUSSEUM. EMMA has displayed some of her best memories, including numerous photos, videos, and jerseys! While you're there, you and your family can also explore the entire BORUSSEUM! Good to know: children under 6 years old get free admission, and members only pay €6.

Im Herbst 2022 hat sich der 1000. offizielle BVB-Fanclub gegründet. Diese bemerkenswerte Zahl steht symbolisch für das beispiellose Engagement und die bedingungslose Treue aller BVB-Fans weltweit. Deshalb möchte Borussia Dortmund diese Zahl zum Anlass nehmen, allen BVB-Fanclubs mit einer Sonderausstellung im BORUSSEUM für ihre jahre- und jahrzehntelange Unterstützung zu danken.

In dieser Sonderausstellung soll es ausschließlich um die Fanclubs von Borussia Dortmund gehen. Im Fokus stehen unter anderem die Geschichte der ersten Fanclub-Gründungen, das Leben innerhalb der Fanclubs sowie die grenzenlose Vielfältigkeit, mit der die Fanclub-Mitglieder die schwarzgelben Farben nicht nur regional, sondern auch überregional repräsentieren.  

Die Sonderausstellung ist ab dem 17.11. geöffnet. Taucht also ein in die BVB-Historie und wandelt auf den schwarzgelben Spuren des Vereins und der dazugehörigen Fanclubs. Das BORUSSEUM ist täglich von 9.30 Uhr bis 18.30 Uhr geöffnet (letzter Einlass 18 Uhr).

Twenty-five years ago, the slogan "kick racism out" was created by the Fan Project Dortmund. No one could have predicted the success story these three words would write.

Despite its grammatically questionable usage, the slogan became not only the hallmark and core direction of the Fan Project but was also adopted by other fan project locations, the learning center, and, not least, by BVB for numerous actions and projects. Together, they contributed to the wide dissemination and unparalleled recognition of "kick racism out" in the fan scene.

The 25th anniversary is a reason for Fan Project Dortmund e.V. to celebrate this slogan appropriately. Together with many dedicated fans, they worked on various anniversary projects. One such project is the exhibition "25 Years of Kick Racism Out." In a working group consisting of dedicated fans, BORUSSEUM staff, and the Fan Project, we developed the content for the exhibition and designed the displays.

The exhibition provides visitors with insights into the historical development of tackling forms of discrimination around BVB from various perspectives. Eyewitnesses from the three decades share their experiences, including people who have been or are affected by discrimination, and scholars who offer their perspectives on forms of discrimination in football.

Since ballspiel.vereint! first brought an exhibition with an anti-discriminatory focus to the BORUSSEUM in 2014 with 'Tatort Stadion 2', some time has passed. This is reason enough to now present 'Fan.tastic Females – Football Herstory'! Starting November 15, 2018, the exhibition will be on display at the Borussia Dortmund club museum, offering extensive insights into the diversity of female fan careers in Dortmund, Germany, Europe, and beyond. The organizers aim to tell the stories of fantastic women - stories about their love and passion for the sport, their journeys to the stands, their greatest, most impressive, funniest, and even their less pleasant moments in football.

Visitors can expect an interesting program accompanying the exhibition: the opening event on November 15, 2018, from 11:00 AM at the BORUSSEUM, a workshop day titled "Women to the Stands, So the Stands Live" on November 17, 2018, from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM at the stadium, as well as extended opening hours of the BORUSSEUM until 8:00 PM on November 16 and 22, 2018!

ballspiel.vereint! particularly invites everyone to participate in the workshop day, where an initial input on gender relations in football stadiums will be provided. Following this, women will have the opportunity to prepare for self-assertion on the stands with an experienced martial artist. Meanwhile, male participants will discuss strategies in a separate working group to support female fans in solidarity and reconsider behaviors that might hinder this. A third workshop will work across genders to develop strategies to make women more visible in the context of football. Further details on the workshops will be announced in the coming days! Participation in the workshop day is free of charge. Registrations are now being accepted at ballspiel.vereint! via [email protected] (please specify the desired afternoon panel).

The temporary exhibition can be viewed for free. Guided tours are available on weekends by appointment. Detailed information will soon be published on www.fan-tastic-females.org, the corresponding Facebook page, and www.borusseum.de.

The BORUSSEUM looks forward to welcoming many visitors!

The exhibition, conceived by the Centrum Judaicum in Berlin, was first shown there after the 2006 FIFA World Cup. Now it is also on display at the BORUSSEUM, the Borussia Dortmund Museum, starting from November 5, 2017!

The exhibition highlights the significance of Jews in German football. Jewish footballers, coaches, journalists, and officials played a key role in popularizing football in Germany. They were pioneers of German football, celebrated, revered, and respected as role models embodying the spirit of fair play. Their revolutionary visions and methods set standards that influenced German football for a long time. For example, when FC Bayern Munich won the German championship for the first time in 1932, Jewish club president Kurt Landauer and Jewish coach Richard "Little" Dombi were celebrated as heroes in Munich.

Who today remembers striker and national player Julius Hirsch (1892-1943), who became German champion with Karlsruher FV among others? Or Gottfried Fuchs, whom future national coach Sepp Herberger called "my idol" and "the Franz Beckenbauer of my youth"? The gifted center forward scored ten goals in a single match against Russia at the 1912 Olympic Games in Stockholm—a record in Germany that remains unbroken to this day.

In 1933, their successful careers were abruptly ended. The Nazis ensured that Jewish athletes, coaches, and officials were excluded and ostracized from clubs. Until November 10, 1938, Jews were only allowed to play in Jewish clubs, after which all sports activities for them were banned. They shared the fate of all European Jews, being persecuted and in many cases murdered in concentration camps. Thus, the exhibition reflects the fate of Jewish footballers.

After World War II, German Jews never again played a comparable role in German football. Their achievements were suppressed and forgotten. The exhibition "Kickers, Fighters, Legends" aims to recall this chapter of German football history while also addressing current developments in football in its concluding section.

The Centrum Judaicum Berlin enabled a reproduction of the exhibition, funded by the DFB Cultural Foundation. Through the Evangelical Church of Reconciliation, this exhibition is available free of charge.

To mark the 50th anniversary of Borussia Dortmund's victory in the European Cup Winners' Cup, the BORUSSEUM is presenting the temporary exhibition “Our Heroes of Glasgow” at the Borussia Dortmund Museum. On May 5, 1966, BVB became the first German club team to win a European competition and was awarded the European Cup Winners' Cup after a thrilling match against Liverpool FC in Glasgow.

The exhibition takes visitors back to 1966, for example in a living room in Dortmund. Here, the radio commentary of the time can be heard, creating the same atmosphere as on May 5, 1966. But the photos, videos and interviews from the road to the final, the final itself and the celebrations afterwards also allow visitors to travel back in time and experience the era at first hand. Many loving details, such as the replica ball flight of the famous winning goal by BVB player “Stan” Libuda, are recreated and round off the overall picture of the temporary exhibition. The exhibition ends with a very special exhibit: The European Cup itself!

Admission to the exhibition “Our Heroes of Glasgow - 50 Years of the European Cup Winners' Cup” is included in BORUSSEUM admission.

On January 30, 2016, the temporary exhibition of the book “HEIMAT - zuhause im schönsten Stadion der Welt” was opened at the BORUSSEUM. It is a photo exhibition that the Borussia Dortmund Museum staged together with the book's publishers, Reinaldo Coddou H. (photographer) and Jan-Henrik Gruszecki. The exhibition presents a selection of images from the illustrated book of the same name, which was published in the fall of 2015, in a variety of ways. The pictures of the “home of the BVB fans” allow visitors to experience a visit to the stadium and show all sides of the “most beautiful soccer stadium in the world”, according to the London Times. Photographed from different angles, in black and white or in color - the stadium and everything that goes with it is impressively highlighted here. Even the garbage left behind after a home game seems like a work of art to the viewer.

A selection of 240 photos published in the illustrated book can be seen in the new temporary exhibition at the BORUSSEUM until April 3, 2016. Visitors can look forward to a varied presentation of Reinaldo Coddou H.'s impressive photos.


Many guests accepted the BORUSSEUM's invitation on January 30, 2016 and came to the stadium at midday to witness the opening of the photo exhibition. Museum director Nicole Kayser welcomed the guests with a few words before handing over the microphone to Reinaldo Coddou H., who took all the photos. Together with Jan-Henrick Gruszecki - with whom the Chilean-born Coddou published the illustrated book - Coddou provided background information on the book and the new temporary exhibition.

After the official part, the exhibition could then be opened and admired by the guests. “The size of some of the pictures is really impressive. You look straight away to see if you can find yourself in the large pictures of the South Stand. The diversity of the pictures also makes the exhibition special,” said one guest who visited the new exhibition right at the start.

10 years of BVB | fan and development department

In December 2004, BVB's future was not looking good, either in sporting or financial terms. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, the BVB | Fan and Sponsorship Department was founded on December 13, 2004 and has been an integral part of the black and yellow BVB family ever since. To mark its 10th anniversary, the BORUSSEUM hosted an exhibition that traced the highs and lows of the past few years - which opened to great acclaim on November 15, 2014. BVB President Dr. Reinhard Rauball, BVB treasurer Dr. Reinhold Lunow and BVB fan department board member Torsten Schild opened the temporary exhibition at the BORUSSEUM in front of around 200 invited guests. All those present were delighted with the lovingly designed exhibition, which not only provides informative facts about the work and successes of the fan section, but also takes an emotional look back at the past 10 years. A combination of unforgettable memories and ambitious visions for the future turned the evening into a true experience - which ended with a lively celebration, introduced by greetings from BVB Managing Director Hans-Joachim Watzke and Dortmund's Mayor Ulrich Sierau.

June 24 - August 24, 2014

“Brazil meets Borussia Dortmund 2014” was the title of the temporary exhibition at the BORUSSEUM, which was presented from June 24 - August 24, 2014. In keeping with the Football World Cup in Brazil, the BORUSSEUM chose the connection between the country of South American temperament and Borussia Dortmund! And not without reason, because the Brazilians and the people of Dortmund have one thing in particular in common: a love and passion for soccer!

“Brazil meets Borussia Dortmund 2014”

The exhibition, which was brought to Germany by the German-Brazilian media production company “Kreaktiv” together with the agency Crunchtime Events, showed with numerous photos, films and impressions how the “Brasileiros” live, play and shine in Germany and thus represent their home country in a very positive way. Previously, over 85,000 soccer fans - slightly more than the number who support BVB in their home stadium at every match - had already visited the exhibition “The History of Brazilians in Germany” at the Sugar Loaf Mountain, which was now presented in a revised version in Dortmund.

For the first time, the exhibition showed what the Brazilians stand for, especially at Borussia Dortmund! Some of them have already proven their skills at BVB: Soccer greats such as Júlio César, Leonardo de Deus Santos, Felipe Santana, Flavio Conceição and many more!

The opening ceremony was a complete success! Around 300 invited guests came to the north/east corner of Signal Iduna Park, which is home to the Borusseum Museum, to witness the opening of the new temporary exhibition.

A special highlight: Former BVB player and fan favorite Leonardo De Deus Santos, or Dedê for short, was a guest!

After the opening speech by BVB treasurer Dr. Reinhold Lunow, he took to the stage to talk about the World Cup in Brazil, his time at BVB and the future. Dede's discussion partner was Diethelm Straube from Crunchtime-Events, who brought the exhibition to Dortmund in collaboration with Carsten Bruder (Kreaktiv) and the BORUSSEUM team.

March 14 - May 29, 2014

For the temporary exhibition “Trikot 09”, students from TU Dortmund University conducted research and presented their findings in a unique setting together with the BORUSSEUM. These results were presented in the exhibition space of BVB's historic home halls using varied and interactive elements. But what exactly was it all about?

In soccer, the jersey is the central piece of clothing. It explains the standard situation on and off the pitch much faster than words: who is playing against whom and who is a fan of whom. You don't need to be a soccer enthusiast to understand the universal signals sent out by the jersey. Its language works across local, regional and national borders. However, it would be too short-sighted to reduce the jersey to these primary meanings. Its unique coding is far more meaningful. On a relatively small area of just over one square meter, colors, patterns, characters, numbers, logos and symbols merge on the bodies of players and fans to form complex ciphers that tell stories and histories. Yet the seemingly natural existence of the jersey has rarely raised questions about it.

The students of the Seminar for Cultural Anthropology of Textiles shed light on the development of the soccer shirt. Its history is closely intertwined with the establishment and professionalization of soccer in society. On the one hand, ongoing technical changes in material and design reflect historically variable attitudes towards morality, discipline, functionality and effectiveness. On the other hand, the jersey is a medium for the development of soccer as a media event, which also benefits from the fact that fans use their jerseys to express their beliefs. Various club-specific aspects were addressed with regard to BVB 09.

“Visitors embarked on an exciting mixture of time travel and mind games”

Visitors embarked on an exciting mixture of time travel and mind games. They learned about the connection BVB fans have to their jerseys, what drives jersey collectors to their passion and how the coveted match worn shirts can become an archive of soccer knowledge in their hands. In addition, the development of special reactions and gestures of soccer players and fans - for example when a goal is scored - was also analyzed within the team. To this end, the students collected a lot of empirical material, took photos and conducted surveys and interviews - including with the well-known BVB 09 archivist Gerd Kolbe. All of this could be heard and seen in this exhibition - in a unique changing room atmosphere, which contained numerous surprises through interactive elements in a very small space.

Opening of “Trikot 09”

The numerous guests were welcomed punctually at 7.09 pm by BVB President Dr. Reinhard Rauball and Treasurer Dr. Reinhold Lunow, before the initiators of the temporary exhibition, Dr. des. Viola Hofmann, Silke Wawro and some students of the TU Dortmund explained the scientific background and the concept of the exhibition. Then the time had finally come: Dr. Rauball ceremoniously cut the yellow ribbon and the visitors stormed into the temporary exhibition room. This was followed by great amazement, especially at the original jerseys of the three jersey collectors Johannes Baier, Mirko Rast and Marc Steinert. Some visitors had rarely - or even never - seen such treasures. The staged photos, text modules and audio and video presentations were also presented in the right light and were examined in detail.

Here and there you heard anecdotes about a jersey or certain games, because the exhibition also brought back memories for the guests - and the gleam in their eyes reflected the mood of the evening.

May 08 - XX 2013 (still to be clarified)

April 18 - 27, 2014

Crime Scene Stadium 2

First shown in 2001, the exhibition “Tatort Stadion 2” was finally on display in Dortmund after almost two hundred exhibition venues. The newly founded BVB fan initiative ballspiel.vereint! brought the exhibition on soccer and discrimination to Borussia Dortmund's club museum from April 18 to 27, 2014. 14 years ago, the Bündnis Aktiver Fußballfans (B.A.F.F.) developed the traveling exhibition “Tatort Stadion”, which was on display in its revised version at the BORUSSEUM from Good Friday, April 18, 2014. The homepage stated:

“The exhibition did pioneering work by addressing discrimination in soccer. A lot has happened since then. Discrimination is now recognized and addressed as a problem by many clubs and fans. Nevertheless, foreigners are still insulted every week in German stadiums, anti-Semitic and antiziganistic chants are sung and homosexuals are denigrated. Women continue to find it difficult to be accepted in the men's sport of soccer. The completely revised exhibition Tatort Stadion 2 aims to provide information - both about everyday discrimination and the activities of neo-Nazis as well as what fans can do about it.”

“The exhibition was pioneering work.”

In addition to the screens on display, which offered plenty of informative text on the topic of “Discrimination in soccer”, guests were also able to view various inscribed shirts, scarves and banners that stand for a clear stance on this topic.

On 18 April 2014, Good Friday, the exhibition was opened at 11:30 a.m. by BVB President Dr. Reinhard Rauball together with the initiators of ballspiel.vereint! This was followed by the Heinrich Czerkus Memorial Run at the Rote Erde stadium from 1 pm.

“The exhibition “Tatort Stadion 2” has been around for several years. Unfortunately, the exhibition has never been on display in Dortmund, and we at ballspiel.vereint! would now like to change that. We think the BORUSSEUM is the ideal venue for the exhibition. We would therefore like to thank the BORUSSEUM for their cooperation,” say the initiators of ballspiel.vereint!

“Give us your goosebump impressions of the Champions League quarter-final second leg against Málaga - we want to capture your feelings and memories of these historic 69 seconds together with you for eternity,” it said on www.borusseum.de. It was just over a week ago that Felipe Santana pushed the ball over the line in the third minute of stoppage time in the Champions League match against FC Málaga, causing SIGNAL IDUNA PARK to shake to its foundations as rarely before in its history.

“Give us your goosebump impressions of the Champions League quarter-final second leg against Málaga”.

The BORUSSEUM spontaneously decided to dedicate a special exhibition to this historic match. Because such matches often produce the most extraordinary stories. We wanted to preserve these impressions and bring them to life for all BVB fans. The BORUSSEUM therefore called on all fans to describe their experiences during these dramatic final 69 seconds. Whether cell phone videos, audio recordings, photos, written stories or other memories. All goosebump reports and exhibits etc. were on display in the temporary exhibition room of the BORUSSEUM from May 8, 2013. A selection of these exhibits later became part of the permanent exhibition at the BORUSSEUM.

Quote: “I felipe from”

The undisputed guest of honor on the opening evening was none other than Felipe Santana, the man who made the “Dortmund miracle” perfect with his 93rd-minute goal against FC Málaga and without whom this exhibition would not have been created. But the modest Brazilian passed on the compliments he had received from Dr. Lunow during his inauguration speech to the whole team. After all, his goal would have been worth nothing without the goals from Robert Lewandowski and Marco Reus. Santana beamed into every camera, diligently signed autographs and willingly allowed himself to be photographed with the fans. He viewed the exhibition with great interest and read many of the fan stories. He sat emotionally in the Sonic Chair, which offers a first-class audio experience. This sound chair contains a recording of the BVB netradio from the post-match period. The indescribable report also gave Felipe Santana - as he himself confirmed - extreme goosebumps. The other guests also experienced an emotional evening. Looking at their faces, you could see how the memories of this unforgettable evening were relived. Afterwards, lively discussions were held over currywurst and beer.

May 03, 2012 - February 24, 2013

The exhibition showed photographs taken by fans. They expressed everything that a soccer match can mean to fans. On display were pictures of boundless jubilation, photos of choreographies or unique shots from the various stadiums. All from the personal perspective of the photographers and fans of Borussia Dortmund: Thomas Bielefeld, Stefan Borghardt, Joel Kunz, Johannes Steu, Artur Tarnowski and Jens Volke. The exhibition has been supplemented, expanded and repeatedly changed with current photos by the photographers. In addition to the photographs of the six, the BORUSSEUM asked fans to bring their own photographs and place them in a specially designated place within the exhibition. The photographs on display not only fascinated soccer fans, but also enthusiasts of photography in general.   

The catalog for the temporary exhibition “FanFoto - by fans for fans” is now available in all BVB FanShops and at the BORUSSUM for €9.90.

Orders can be placed at [email protected]

Also available for purchase is the catalog for the temporary exhibition “Football in Art - The Rohner Collection”, which is also available for € 9.90 at the BORUSSEUM. The elaborate and high-quality catalogs not only provide additional valuable information on the unique exhibitions, but also form an unforgettable reminder of these highlights. They are therefore indispensable for collectors and an essential item for art lovers. All the exhibition pieces are listed on around 100 pages, and there are also short interviews with the artists to read. Secure this unique memento for yourself.

May 11 - September 18, 2011

The temporary exhibition “Bodo Goeke - Snapshots” opened on May 11, 2011. 200 guests accepted the BORUSSEUM's invitation and enjoyed an entertaining evening.

The then director of the BORUSSEUM, Kirsten Behnke, welcomed the guests and handed over to BVB President Dr. Reinhard Rauball a few minutes later. He spoke of a great time for the exhibition, which focused on the championships won since 1995. Dr. Reinhard Rauball, like all the other speakers of the evening, was full of praise for Bodo Goeke and called him a “Dortmund institution”. Lord Mayor Ullrich Sierau echoed the BVB President's speech and initially appeared as a friend of statistics. He pointed out that BVB's championships have always been won in a certain regularity. The double championships in 1956 and 1957 as well as in 1995 and 1996 were each followed by another championship 6 years later.

A “Dortmund institution”

In keeping with this logic, Lord Mayor Sierau now hoped for championships in 2012 and 2018. After another musical interlude by the “Boogie Voodoo” drum ensemble from the Dortmund music school, BVB treasurer Dr. Reinhold Lunow spoke about the successes of sports photographer Bodo Goeke. He told how Bodo Goeke used to develop his films in the trunk of his car. Finally, Dr. Lunow declared the exhibition open. In addition to the photographs, films of the 1995, 1996 and 2002 championships and the events of the 32nd match day in 2011 were shown on small monitors. Visitors were able to comment on the pictures directly on the walls in pencil. Many guests immediately took advantage of this opportunity and shortly afterwards the first declarations of love were discovered.

November 10, 2010 - March 20, 2011

On November 10, 2010, the second temporary exhibition was opened at the BORUSSEUM. After the successful first exhibition focused on “BVB posters”, the new exhibition dealt with the topic of “Football in art”. After a welcoming address by BVB treasurer Dr. Reinhold Lunow and a short introduction by collector Prof. Heinz-Georg Rohner, the exhibition “Football in art” was opened. Accompanied by music from flutist Michael Heupel and saxophonist Norbert Stein, the invited guests were able to get an impression of the diverse works on the theme of “Football in Art”.

“Football in art” opened. Accompanied by music from flutist Michael Heupel and saxophonist Norbert Stein, the invited guests were able to get an impression of the diverse works on the theme of “Football in Art”

Whether it was “Das vernagelte Tor” by Günther Uecker, the “Südtribüne” by Eugeniusz Wisniewski or the bronze ball “Fußball 1966” by Markus Lüpertz - everyone quickly found their favorite piece in the exhibition. After the official part of the event, many of the guests lingered over rustic delicacies in the BORUSSEUM and rounded off the evening with lively discussions. The exhibition “Football in Art” was on display at the BORUSSEUM until March 20, 2011.

In addition to the exhibited works, a catalog has been published to accompany the exhibition, which shows other works from Prof. Rohner's collection. The catalog is available at the BORUSSEUM for €9.95

First special exhibition opens at the BORUSSEUM

May 19, 2010 - September 19, 2010

On 19 May 2010, Dr. Reinhold Lunow opened the exhibition “BVB Posters”. President Dr. Reinhard Rauball and Lord Mayor of the City of Dortmund Ullrich Sierau welcomed the invited guests. Dr. Lunow then spoke introductory words and opened the exhibition. Accompanied by the music of Christoph Haberer and Nicolao Valiensi, the guests were able to get an impression of the exhibition over a currywurst and a Mettbrötchen. Not only the posters were enthusiastically received, but also the original recordings of the matches. These allowed the guests to indulge in footballing memories.