Fan and Supporter Department – Executives and Team

The Borussia Dortmund Fan and Promotion Department is represented and led by its board. The members coordinate and organize all projects and activities to create a diverse range of offerings for all Borussia Dortmund fans. Find information about the board members and the honorary board members here.

The volunteer board is supported by full-time staff members Annika Plackert, Helga Hoell, and Lionard Tampier.

Fan- und Förderabteilung

Jakob Scholz

Place of residence: Essen-Bergerhausen

Occupation: I am the Deputy Head of IT and Digital Health at the Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Westfalen-Lippe.

How do you follow Borussia's games and where do most BVB fans know you from?

I usually watch the games from the southwest corner, Block 36. Most BVB fans know me from my work with the fan department and my past as an editor at I was a member of The Unity for 12 years and also the chairman of the fan club "Ball Heil Hurra." During this time, I built many connections.

What areas within the board team are you responsible for?

I handle communication within the club as well as between fan clubs and the management or members of the KGaA. I am also responsible for fan culture and fan politics, and I serve as the liaison to Fanhilfe Dortmund.

What motivates you in your role and what are your goals with the fan department?

I hope that Borussia Dortmund lives up to its social and sociopolitical responsibilities. For us as the fan department, my goal is to have the resources and opportunities to support fans in forming their opinions through events, consistent work with social institutions, and information on current social, club, and fan political issues. I wish to empower fans to become more politically engaged.

Fan- und Förderabteilung

Tobias Westerfellhaus

Place of residence: I originally come from Münsterland and took the first opportunity to move to my city of choice. I've been living in Dortmund for over 10 years.

Occupation: I work as the Head of Retail & Retail Marketing for a large corporation, focusing primarily on the expansion and growth of the brand.

How do you follow Borussia's games and where do most BVB fans know you from?

As a season ticket holder, I have been following BVB live in the stadium since I was 14 years old. I was lucky enough to get one of the coveted youth season tickets back then and haven't let it go since.

I am also a proud owner of a standing room away season ticket, allowing me to attend every away game of BVB both nationally and internationally live and on-site. For me, it is essential to be present at the games to fulfill my role as effectively as possible. Being a voice for fans and members means maintaining direct contact on-site and staying informed about current events. Most fans know me from away games or from the stadium TV show "Fanomenal," which I have hosted since 2008.

What areas within the board team are you responsible for?

In the team, I mainly focus on fan politics, committee work, and supporting our activities in the media. I have been dedicated to these topics from the beginning, and for our department, it is essential to continuously motivate ourselves and get involved in matters of participation.

What motivates you in your role, and what are your goals with the fan department in the next two years?

I have been active in the fan department since day one. Initially in the former PG Basisarbeit, then as a youth fan representative, as a member of the fan advisory board, and now part of the board for 8 years. Throughout my time as a fan, I have always actively participated in the fan scene and networked within various committees and groups. This network is, in my view, the foundation for my daily work in the department. I believe that both the department's history and my personal story are far from over. I think we still have a lot of work ahead of us to steer the department through turbulent waters and make the fan department even more successful and influential.

Not only since the pandemic, many fans have realized that global football and fan scenes face a very difficult task. Clubs are distancing themselves more and more from the grassroots. The influence of questionable individuals and interest groups is increasing, and European top clubs would rather form a league of the super-rich than meet the social responsibility of football.

Our most important task in the next two years is to get our club, and football in general, back on the right track. To shine a positive light on football as we love it and ensure its future viability. This is precisely why I decided to stand for office for another two years. For the department, I hope that we can very soon solve our youth problem. Our work requires motivated members who can contribute in every conceivable way. Our core task will be to strengthen the department again and inspire new volunteers to join us.

Fan- und Förderabteilung

André Krömker

Place of residence: I was born and raised in Essen. I've been living in Dortmund for 15 years, and since 2020, I've been living with my partner and her son.

Occupation: I work as a corporate controller at an energy provider in Essen.

How do you follow Borussia's games and where do most BVB fans know you from?

I've been passionate about football since childhood. As a teenager, I attended my first games at the local club in the Georg-Melches-Stadion. It wasn't until a good friend occasionally took me to the Westfalenstadion that my casual interest in BVB turned serious. Initially, military service, university studies, and my own handball games kept me busy on weekends.

In 2003, I finally got a season ticket and could regularly attend games at the Westfalenstadion. Soon after, I joined the fan club Ballheilhurra and stayed until 2009. After moving around various sections 13 and 82 on the Südtribüne, we found a permanent spot above the active core in Block 13 when Block Drölf began in 2006. I was active as a drummer there for about 10 years. Since 2016, I’ve moved to a seat in the southwest corner, and the drum remains silent.

Before the games, you'll usually find me at the Rote Erde and afterwards under the Süd, between blocks 12/13. While away games used to be a regular part of my football weekends, they have become less frequent. However, I still manage to attend two to three away games per season. Early experiences, like bus trips to Rostock or Olomouc and train trips to Udine, remain some of the most memorable, aside from the championship years under Klopp and the 2012/13 Champions League season.

What areas within the board team are you responsible for?

As the treasurer, I am responsible for everything related to the finances of the fan department. Additionally, within the board team, I am the primary contact for the AG Infostände (information stands working group).

What motivates you in your role, and what are your goals with the fan department in the next two years?

I aim to bring stability and consistency back to the department's finances. To achieve this, the newly established rules must be adhered to and practiced. At the same time, I want to ensure these rules do not hinder the active members in the working groups.

Fan- und Förderabteilung

Jan van Leeuwen

Place of residence: Originally from Norderney, I moved to the Ruhr area in the mid-2000s for my studies and now live in the southern part of Dortmund.

Occupation: Currently, I work in an engineering office, focusing on land development projects.

How do you follow Borussia's games and where do most BVB fans know you from?

Due to my place of residence, I only began regularly attending BVB games relatively late, starting my true fan career in the mid-2000s. Since then, I have attended almost every game during peak times and still stand in Block Drölf at home games. Additionally, I have been involved in various networks and campaigns, so many fans have likely noticed me around BVB over the past 15 years.

What areas within the board team are you responsible for?

Within the board team, we have divided the tasks, although many issues will naturally concern and occupy us all. My primary activities within the Fan and Promotion Department will include fan political and fan cultural topics. This means maintaining contacts with internal working and fan groups as well as external stakeholders and regularly exchanging ideas in different committees.

What motivates you in your role, and what are your goals with the fan department in the next two years?

My credo as a fan has always been that everyone must contribute to the success of BVB. Whether as a player on the field, a fan in the stands, or a supporter behind the scenes. Since I am currently less active due to family, work, and age, my engagement with BVB has shifted: from traveling with the away bus to working at the desk. The biggest task in the first year will be developing the Code of Core Values, which we were tasked with by the general assembly last fall, and the processes are now starting to take shape. We hope this will institutionally and culturally strengthen BVB as a club and football as a whole. These should also be the goals for our department. We want to become more active, visible, and tangible again after COVID-19 and not just be a fan department but also a promotion department for Borussia Dortmund.

Fan- und Förderabteilung

Alexander Skroblin

Place of residence: I was born in Dortmund and have chosen to make it my home.

Occupation: I am a trained insurance and finance merchant, primarily working as a claims examiner for biometric risks for 15 years. I was also involved in product development and marketing to contribute creatively. In the past, I served as a youth and trainee representative in our company for eight years and then as a works council member for four years, where I actively participated in event planning.

At the end of 2023, I changed careers and now work as a subject matter expert at another company. My daily tasks include professional coaching and leadership of a team of claims examiners, project work, product development, internal controlling, process optimization, and accompanying ratings.

How do you follow Borussia's games and where do most BVB fans know you from?

As a season ticket holder, I have been following BVB since 2008 from the southwest corner of the stadium. As a child, I attended games with family members and then spent several years in the youth standing on the Südtribüne, mostly in Block 12.

When time permits, I also enjoy following BVB at away games, sometimes combining this with a multi-day stay in the city. I've participated in several bus or special train trips organized by the Fan and Promotion Department.

If neither of these options is possible, I follow the games on the screen.

Those who know me from the Fan and Promotion Department may recognize me from my participation in the AG Fanpolitik / Fankultur over the past two terms. In the last two years, I served as a board member for the first time. Outside the department, you might have seen me around the stadium with a drink or in the block.

What areas within the board team are you responsible for?

From my experience over the past two years, I can say that as a board member, you are somewhat responsible for everything. It's challenging to completely separate individual topics to avoid losing oversight. However, there are prioritized topics and areas you focus on.

I have taken on many tasks related to organization, planning, and personnel management. Concerning the current structure of the Fan and Promotion Department, I was the main contact from the board team for the working groups “Uns verbindet Borussia” and “Tradition.”

I also aimed to establish a connection with BVB handball. This was successful over the last two years, and I maintained regular contact with the handball board.

What motivates you in your role, and what are your goals with the fan department in the next two years?

After COVID-19, we had the major task of making the department active again and restarting many activities. We succeeded in many areas, but there is still room for improvement. I would like to continue actively contributing to this progress.

Youth and youth development was a major theme I set for myself two years ago, but it hasn't developed as I envisioned. I want to make another attempt at this.

I am deeply committed to the e.V. and its influence. Therefore, I want to help further strengthen the e.V. and the club life in the next two years.

Fan- und Förderabteilung